A kid watches his pregnant mother undress… – Hey Mom, why do you have a big belly? – That, his mother replies, it’s because dad gave me a little baby… He leaves the room and goes to find his

The child’s innocent question hung in the air as he watched his pregnant mother carefully dress, her round belly prominently on display beneath her clothes. With wide eyes filled with wonder, he couldn’t help but be curious about the changes he was witnessing.

“Mom, why is your belly so big?” the child asked, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.

His mother, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected question, paused to offer him a gentle smile. She knelt down to his eye level, her hand instinctively resting on her swollen abdomen.

“That, my dear,” she replied, her voice soft and tender, “is because your father and I are going to have a little child.”

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