STORY A Puch ran through the steppe. He was hungry and was looking for prey. Then he heard a bear and a lion fighting over a dead fawn that was lying nearby. He had caught the calf, so he gave it to me,” 6 months agoAdd Comment
STORY Earl and Johnny go out on a hunting trip together. The nights are already cold so they don’t mind sharing the tent for one. At around 1 am, Earl wakes up suddenly: “Johnny, what do you thinkyou’re doing?!, 6 months agoAdd Comment
STORY A mountain climber, desperate to conquer the Aconcagua, initiated his climb after years of preparation. But he wanted the glory to himself, therefore he went up alone. He started climbing, time 7 months agoAdd Comment
STORY • Uncategorized There are six funny dialogues and joke. #1. A swimming pool attendant complains to a man about his son’s behaviour. “Your son’s been peeing in the pool.” “So what’s the problem? All kids do 7 months agoAdd Comment
STORY Kasey Simmons, a 32- year-old waiter at an Applebee’s restaurant in Texas, got a very generous tip from an anonymous customer who ordered “the cheapest thing on the menu.” It was flavoured 7 months agoAdd Comment
STORY A woman comes home and tells her husband, “Remember those Headaches I’ve been having all these years? Well, they’re gone.” “No more headaches?” The husband asks, “What happened?” His wife replies, Margie referred me to a hypnotist… 10 months agoAdd Comment
STORY Hello sweetheart, it’s dad on the phone… Can you put me through mom? -I can’t, she’s in her room with Uncle David. Brief silence. -But my darling, you don’t have an uncle David. -Yes, yes, he is in the 10 months agoAdd Comment
STORY Amother hears a humming sound from her daughter’s bedroom and walks in. Finding her daughter sitting on the bed using her personal toy she asked, “What are you doing?!” “I’m a 35 year old 10 months agoAdd Comment
STORY Man comes all Just moved into a residential property and decided To go greet him New neighbor. Monday Men do Knowledge, and His newcomer Then ask what it is His work, his profession: – Well, so am I 11 months agoAdd Comment
STORY She asked him, “How much are you selling the eggs for?” The seller replied, “$0.25 an egg, Madam.” She said to him, “I will take 6 eggs for $1.25 or I will leave.” The old seller replied, “Come 11 months agoAdd Comment