bank last night.” Paddy nearly choked on his beer and stared at Angus, wide-eyed.
“A bank? Are ye daft, Angus? That’s a crime! What possessed ye to do such a thing?” Paddy exclaimed, his voice a mixture of shock and concern.
Angus leaned back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Calm down, Paddy. I’m just pulling yer leg. I did no such thing. I was at home, catching up on me favorite TV show. I just wanted to see the look on yer face.”
Paddy let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head. “Ye nearly gave me a heart attack, Angus. Don’t be jokin’ about such serious matters. It’s not right.”
Angus chuckled, taking another sip of his pint. “Aye, aye, Paddy, I hear ye. But let me tell ye, I’ve been thinking about shaking things up a bit. Life’s become too routine, too dull. I need a bit of excitement, a thrill, ye know?”
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