There are 3 bacilli living in the human body. One lives in the ear, the other in the belly button and the other in the vagina. After a while everyone meets up. The one who lives in the ear proudly proclaims:

The bacillus living in the ear, with a sense of pride, exclaimed, “I have the most fascinating job! I get to experience the world through sound. From the gentle whispers of wind to the joyful laughter of children, I hear it all. My domain is filled with the symphony of life!”

The bacillus residing in the belly button chuckled and replied, “That may be true, but you only hear what’s happening outside. I, on the other hand, am at the center of it all. I feel the rhythm of every heartbeat, the ebb and flow of digestion, and the comforting warmth of the body’s embrace. My domain is the very core of existence!”

Not to be outdone, the bacillus from the vagina chimed in confidently, “While both of you have important roles, I am the gateway to creation itself. I witness the miracle of life and the pleasures of intimacy. From birth to reproduction, my domain is where the essence of life begins and ends.”

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