FUNNY JOKE Uncategorized

An elderly lady is travelling by train from Lausanne to Lyon. Shortly before the Swiss border she turns to her neighbour, a priest: – If you see this lovely, brand new

An elderly lady was traveling by train from Lausanne to Lyon, her face radiating warmth and wisdom accumulated over decades. The rhythmic clattering of the train provided a comforting backdrop to her thoughts. Shortly before the Swiss border, she turned to her neighbor, a kind-looking priest, and said, “Father, if you see this lovely, brand-new locket I’m wearing, it’s not just a piece of jewelry. It holds a special story.”

The priest, intrigued by the lady’s gentle demeanor, smiled and nodded, encouraging her to continue. “Please, tell me about it,” he invited, his eyes showing genuine interest.

The lady adjusted her scarf and leaned slightly closer. “This locket,” she began, touching it tenderly, “is a gift from my granddaughter, Isabelle. It’s not just about the locket itself, but what it represents. You see, it was only a few years ago that Isabelle and I were estranged.”

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