A kid watches his pregnant mother undress… – Hey Mom, why do you have a big belly? – That, his mother replies, it’s because dad gave me a little baby… He leaves the room and goes to find his

The child’s eyes widened in amazement at the revelation. A baby? His mind buzzed with excitement at the thought of having a new sibling to play with and share adventures with.

“But how does the baby get in there?” the child asked, his curiosity piqued even further.

His mother chuckled softly, her heart swelling with love for her inquisitive child. “Well, it’s a very special process,” she explained, choosing her words carefully. “When a mommy and daddy love each other very much, they create a tiny baby together, and it grows inside the mommy’s belly until it’s ready to be born.”

The child listened intently, absorbing every word as if it were the most fascinating thing he had ever heard. He couldn’t quite wrap his young mind around the concept of how a baby could grow inside his mother’s belly, but he accepted her explanation with the unquestioning trust of a child.

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