A lawyer and a senior citizen are sitting next to each other on a long flight. The lawyer is thinking that seniors are so dumb that he could get one over on them easily.So, the lawyer asks ifthe senior

citizen would like to play a fun game to pass the time during the flight. The senior citizen, always up for a challenge, agrees with a twinkle in his eye. The lawyer proposes a wager: if the senior cannot answer his questions, he’ll give him $100; but if the lawyer cannot answer the senior’s questions, he’ll give him $500.

The senior citizen, feeling confident, accepts the challenge. The lawyer starts with a legal question, thinking he has the upper hand. To his surprise, the senior answers it with ease. The lawyer, undeterred, throws another legal curveball, but once again, the senior counters with impressive knowledge. This pattern continues for a while, with the senior outsmarting the lawyer at every turn.

Growing frustrated, the lawyer decides to switch tactics. He asks personal questions, delving into the senior’s life, hoping to catch him off guard. However, the senior responds gracefully, sharing stories of a life well-lived and lessons learned. The atmosphere shifts from a competitive game to a delightful exchange of wisdom.

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