asked the man by the roadside. The grass-eater, looking up with a contented smile, responded, “It’s a miracle. I’ve been without food for days, and this grass sustains me.”
The man in the limousine was intrigued and concerned. He realized that the roadside stranger must be going through difficult times to resort to eating grass for sustenance. Moved by compassion, he invited the grass-eater to join him in the limousine. “I can help you find a way out of this situation,” he offered.
As the limousine continued its journey, the man learned about the struggles and hardships the grass-eater had faced. His name was Jack, and he had lost his job, home, and family due to a series of unfortunate events. The man in the limousine, whose name was David, empathized with Jack’s plight and decided to extend a helping hand.
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