A salt seller used to carry the salt bag on his donkey to the market every day. On the way they had to cross a stream.One day the donkey suddenly tumbled down the stream and the salt bag also fell

into the water. When they reached the market, the salt seller opened the bag and found it much lighter. He was puzzled and realized that some salt must have dissolved in the water.

The next day, as they crossed the stream, the donkey deliberately fell into the water. The salt seller, unaware of the donkey’s plan, cursed his bad luck again. However, to his surprise, he found the salt bag lighter once more. The donkey repeated this trick several times over the following days, and the salt seller grew increasingly frustrated.

One day, a passerby noticed the donkey’s antics and approached the salt seller. He suggested, “Why don’t you fill your bags with sponges? They will soak up the water, and your salt won’t dissolve.” The salt seller, realizing the wisdom in the suggestion, followed the advice.

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