A woman was enjoying a good game ofgolfwith her girlfriends. “Oh, no!” she suddenly exclaimed. “Look at the time! I have to rush home and fix dinner for my husband. He’ll be so

disappointed if it’s late again.” With that, she quickly said her goodbyes and dashed off towards her car.

As she sped through the streets, her mind raced with thoughts of what to cook for dinner. She knew her husband had been working hard lately and deserved a nice meal. But she also felt the pressure of time weighing heavily on her shoulders.

Arriving home, she hurriedly unpacked her golf gear and rushed into the kitchen. She glanced at the clock and realized she had less time than she thought. Determined not to disappoint her husband, she began chopping vegetables and prepping ingredients with lightning speed.

Despite her efforts, the minutes seemed to fly by, and soon she found herself frantically multitasking to get everything done on time. Her heart raced as she stirred pots on the stove, checked the oven, and set the table in a whirlwind of activity.

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