FUNNY An American, Brit, and an Aussie are about to get executed in Russia. The executioner approaches the American prisoner and says, “How would you like to die? By firing squad, hung by the neck, or on the electric Chair?” “I’ll take the chair.” the American says. So he gets strapped into the electric chair. 10 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY • Uncategorized Little Johnny got kicked out of school today. The teacher asked him, “If I gave you twenty dollars. And you paid five dollars to Kate, five dollars to Sally and five dollars to Linda. What would you have? 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY An older couple wakes up in the morning and the husband looks over at his wife and says, “Wow! You wouldn’t believe the dream had… The wife replies, “Yes, go on tell me.” So the hushand says “ 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY A long-haired blonde goes into a hair salon. She wants to get her hair cut. The hairdresser asks her to take off the headphones, but the blonde refuses. 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY A husband and wife are moving out of their house and are starting to box everything up. The husband finds a box under the bed, pulls it out, and looks inside, where he finds two eggs and about $8,000. He approaches the wife and asks, “What are the eggs for?” 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY A kid watches his pregnant mother undress… – Hey Mom, why do you have a big belly? – That, his mother replies, it’s because dad gave me a little baby… He leaves the room and goes to find his 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY A 71 year old man is having a drink in a Chicago bar Suddenlya gorgeous 19 year old girl enters and sits down a few seats away. The girl is so attractive that he… 11 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY Little Billy came home from school to see the family’s pet rooster dead in the front yard. Rigor mortis had set in and it was flat on its back with its legs in the air. When his Dad came home Billy said, “Dad 12 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY Little Johnny kept disrupting his third grade class by regularly letting out loud farts. His teacher kept him after school. When she insisted on knowing why he exhibited such offensive behavior 12 months agoAdd Comment
FUNNY Rowan Atkinson was born in a middle-class family and suffered terribly as a child because of his stuttering. He was also teased and bullied at school because of his looks. His bullies 1 year agoAdd Comment