Earl and Johnny go out on a hunting trip together. The nights are already cold so they don’t mind sharing the tent for one. At around 1 am, Earl wakes up suddenly: “Johnny, what do you thinkyou’re doing?!,

Earl and Johnny had been planning their hunting trip for weeks. As autumn set in, they finally packed their gear and set off into the dense, whispering woods that stretched across the valley. The air was crisp, and the leaves crunched underfoot as they made their way to their favorite spot near the lake. Both men were eager for a weekend away from the bustle of daily life, where they could enjoy the solitude of nature and the thrill of the hunt.

After setting up camp and spending the day tracking deer, Earl and Johnny found themselves exhausted by nightfall. The temperature had dropped considerably, and their breath fogged in the air as they ate dinner by the campfire. Eventually, they retired to their tent, grateful for the warmth it provided. The sound of rustling leaves and distant animal calls soon lulled them into a deep sleep.

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