My neighbour was working in his yard when he was startled by a late model car that came crashing through his hedge and ended up in his front lawn.He rushed to help an elderlylady driver out ofthe car

, concern etched on his face. The elderly lady looked shaken but unharmed, her hands trembling as she reached for the door handle. With the neighbour’s assistance, she managed to climb out of the car and onto the safety of the lawn.

As they surveyed the scene, the neighbour couldn’t help but wonder what had caused the accident. The car appeared to be in good condition, and there were no other vehicles in sight. It was as if the car had simply veered off course for no apparent reason.

After ensuring that the elderly lady was okay, the neighbour went to inspect the damage to his hedge. It was a sorry sight, with branches and leaves scattered across the lawn. But as he began to assess the extent of the damage, he noticed something peculiar caught in the branches.

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