The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day the kids came back and one by one began to tell their stories. Kathy

“After that day, Timmy realized he had been missing out on so much. He started flying higher and higher each day, exploring parts of the forest he had never seen before. He met new bird friends, learned to fly in different weather conditions, and even helped guide other young birds who were afraid of flying. Timmy had become a confident and joyful sparrow, all because he took a chance and trusted his wings.”

“When Kathy finished her story, her classmates applauded, and she smiled proudly. ‘The moral of the story,’ Kathy concluded, ‘is that sometimes we’re afraid to take risks because we’re scared of what might happen. But if we never try, we’ll never know what we’re capable of achieving. Like Timmy, we have to trust ourselves and take the leap, even when it seems scary.'”

The teacher nodded, pleased with Kathy’s story and its message. She thanked Kathy for sharing and asked the class to reflect on moments when they had been afraid to take risks. The students were inspired to think about how they could face their fears, just like Timmy had.

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